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Từ điển Việt Anh (Vietnamese English Dictionary)
thói quen


[thói quen]
habit; custom; wont; practice
Khó mà bỠđược thói quen của cả Ä‘á»i ngÆ°á»i
It's difficult to break the habit of a lifetime; It's difficult to get out of the habit of a lifetime
Cô ta có thói quen Ä‘á»c sách trÆ°á»›c khi Ä‘i ngủ
It's her custom to read before going to sleep; She's wont to read before going to sleep; She's in the habit of reading before going to sleep; She's accustomed to reading before going to sleep
Làm Ä‘iá»u gì theo thói quen
To do something by sheer force of habit; To do something out of habit
Tập cho ai có thói quen làm Ä‘iá»u gì
To get somebody into the habit of doing something
Khiến ai mất thói quen làm Ä‘iá»u gì
To get somebody out of the habit of doing something

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